Focal Clear Review: A Critical Perspective by The Headphone Show

The Headphone Show gives a detailed and critical review of the Focal Clear, providing insights into its sound quality, comfort, and technical performance.

🔑 Key Takeaways

  • 🎧 The Focal Clear headphones offer a neutral-warm sound profile with notable attention to detail and technical performance.

  • ⚙️ Despite its superior construction, the cabling system is noted for quantity over quality, implying a potential need for aftermarket upgrades for better durability and performance.

  • 🎵 Audio peculiarities include a bump around 1.5 kHz in the mid-range, leading to a narrower soundstage, and a pronounced peak at 6 kHz causing sibilance which may affect listening comfort during high consonant tracks.

  • 🏷️ Focal Clear has been described as providing a "dirty resonance" in treble which offers a textured timbre that might appeal to some, but not all listeners.

  • 💡 Good macrodynamic contrast but lacking in the macrodynamic weight, meaning dynamic swings could feel less impactful compared to other high-end dynamic driver headphones.

📝 Timestamped Summary

00:04 Introduction to Focal Clear Review:

  • Theo, host from The Headphone Show, introduces the Focal Clear emphasizing the intention to provide a critical perspective differing from other reviews.

00:44 Accessories and Presentation:

  • Brief overview of the included accessories like the carrying case and cables which according to Theo, are more about quantity than quality.

01:00 Build and Comfort:

  • Discusses the headphone's build, highlighting its aluminum construction and comfortable fit although not the best he's experienced.

02:00 Sound Quality - Bass and Mid-range:

  • Focal Clear portrays a neutral-warm sound profile with a linear dynamic driver for bass, potential shortcomings in mid-range due to peculiar peaks and dips.

03:00 Treble and Technical Performance:

  • Theo discusses the treble which contains peaks leading to a dirty resonance that might be perceived as metallic or authoritative depending on the listener sensitivity.

05:00 Microdynamics and Source Compatibility:

  • Importance of source equipment compatibility is highlighted, indicating that the personal experience with different DACs/amps could vary widly with the Focal Clear.

06:00 Macrodynamics:

  • Explores macrodynamic performance, which Theo finds impressive, but notes it could use improvement in its macrodynamic weight to better articulate dynamic swings.

07:00 Soundstage and Overall Impression:

  • Describes the soundstage as intimate and somewhat boxy due to mid-range frequency bumps; praises clear's positional accuracy within its compact soundstage.


How does the Focal Clear compare to other high-end headphones like the Sennheiser HD800s?

The Focal Clear offers a more engaging and energetic listening experience with a visceral sense of detail and dynamic contrast, in contrast to the more analytical and sterile presentation of the HD800s.

Would you recommend upgrading the cables for the Focal Clear?

Yes, upgrading the cables might be beneficial for overall performance and durability, as the stock cables are described as more functional rather than high-quality.

🎬 Conclusion

The Headphone Show's detailed review of the Focal Clear provides deep insights into both its strengths and areas where it might fall short for some listeners. If you value a headphone with detailed sound reproduction and can manage a few quirks in frequency response, the Focal Clear could be a great addition to your audio gear. Dive into the full video for a more nuanced understanding of this high-end headphone's capabilities.